Mercury in the Microwave

Mercury has been in retrograde, which is one of those things I never used to pay attention to until I did. I still do not know much about astrology, and if I have questions about the stars, I tend to ask my sister who knows a little bit more than me. I do know that when this occurs, your life can be thrown off course a little. Well, without going into any detail, I would like to say that this has definitely been the most off-kilter couple of weeks I felt in a while. But what I’m going to talk about here, of course, is the fact that I can’t write anything.

Two weeks ago I wrote a new poem. Not even a great one, but that was about it, aside from three…count them, THREE…blogs about having writer’s block. This is number four. I can only assume that once Mercury is out of the microwave I will get my ability to write back, but for the meantime I am very upset. Not only is this blog due yesterday, but today is Patreon day, and I’ve got nothing. Also, it is poetry night, and I’ve got nothing!

Frankly, I’m getting really aggravated. I thought my creative juices were stalled because I was working so much the last couple of weeks, but apparently that is not the case because I have had a great stretch of time this week in which to pen literally anything, but here I am with nothing. I couldn’t even get up a good topic. Any topics I want to write about are still solidifying in my brain and not ready to be put into print.

I do feel that there has not been much content to share lately. Like I have said, I worked a lot before, during, and after spring break. There is only so much I can say about the job. And then I would come home, do any cleaning and cooking and whatever, and then go to sleep and start all over the next day. Not much time for anything fun or interesting, except perhaps a few sitcom reruns before bed. I am hopeful I will have more content next week, however. Tonight, I’m going out for poetry night which is always fun, and perhaps will provide me with some tale to tell. On Friday, Carey and I are going on adventure, so perhaps I will write about that as well. Plus, the girls are coming this weekend.

Right now, I just feel kind of stalled. Hopefully I can rectify this situation with some friends and fun and family over the next few days. Maybe I will find a story I want to share, or at least one of these thoughts in my brain will decide to come out of my fingertips. We shall see.  Happy Wednesday!

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