Rain on the Radar

I have had an extremely stressful two weeks. As previously written, I was working extra hours while my boss was out of town, but on top of that there was also a great deal of personal business with family and friends that needed my attention as well. Today is the first day where I have very little to do, having only had to take my car in to get a new tire and run a couple of errands. Right now, it is almost 2:00 p.m. and I am sitting here thinking about how I am free as a bird for the next 2 days.

Kevin and I went for a hike this morning, our first of the year. We explored a new nature trail, and enjoyed the 65° weather. Currently, however, I am sitting in my living room and watching my curtains billow in the wind, and as I look at my radar on my phone I see that the rain will be starting very soon. Fortunately, it is so beautiful today that I can have the window open to enjoy the smell of fresh air and rain.

I have been writing a lot lately, mostly just for myself. I penned a new poem yesterday and posted it on Patreon, so if you are a subscriber you should go check that out if you feel so inclined. I mentioned in the poem’s prologue that when I find myself with an overflow of emotions, I channel it into writing. For instance, I had a great deal of anger yesterday morning regarding a situation a friend has found herself in, through no fault of her own- not that this is what the perpetrator of the situation would have you believe. I had to restrain myself, and put all my anger into a poem instead of putting my fist through a wall. My therapist tells me this is the right choice.

Another situation with another friend and I find myself writing letters that I will never send. Again, supported by my therapist, I have found writing letters to be a valuable item in my my emotional toolbox. When I feel the cauldron of emotions bubbling over, I put pen to paper and write a letter- sometimes it is a love letter, sometimes it is a letter of pure hate, but nine times out of a ten it gets burned up in a fire of my own making. My therapist says that burning the letters can be cathartic, and she is right.

And of course my blog, which I try to keep up twice a week even when I don’t feel like I have a topic at the tip of my tongue. Today is really one of those days, as I sit here and smell the fresh air and wish I could be outside longer. Alas, rain. Today I will stay here, and I will be comfortable in my home. I will spend some time by myself working on some projects perhaps, or maybe I will catch up with an old friend, or maybe I will start something new and exciting. My point is that the stress that I was caring with me over the past few days is gone, and I feel like I can relax now. The walk I took with Kevin this morning was very invigorating, even if my legs are a little sore. Today, I will be happy that I am in a good mood and feeling healthy. I hope you are feeling the same. Happy Tuesday.

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