Spirits and Such

My mother-in-law texted me this morning regarding things of the spiritual realm, and it got me to thinking about the path I have been on over the past 2 years. Ever since Salem, things have changed in my mind and life, and in my way of handling situations. I have taken a greater focus on my spirituality, and who I am amongst people, and who people are amongst all residents of planet Earth. I would be lying if I told you it was an easy thing to think about, because it is not, especially after 25+ years of indoctrination into Catholicism. However, I have, especially in the past year, learned how to trust myself and my intuition in a way that I was not able to in the past.

My mother-in-law tells me she wants to go see a Medium. I would love to take her, specifically to Lilydale, so that she could have an experience like I have had in the past.  Of course, I also want to go for my own self! I have had a couple of tarot card readings, and  I can do my own cards, but I would really like to see a Medium again. It has been 20 years since the last time I went, now that I think about it. Life is so much different now, and I would love to see what messages my loved ones have for me.

I do my own tarot a couple of times a week, usually just pulling a card or two to see what they have to say about my day. The other day I took out my deck and noticed the card on the bottom. I started to shuffle, and eventually one card jumped out of the deck and landed in my lap. The coincidence is that it was the same card that was on the bottom of the deck when I picked it up. When I looked up the meaning, I was not at all surprised to find that it applied directly to every circumstance in my life, currently. The deck was screaming in my face, and I had to oblige.

Once, I saw a Tiktok on how to communicate with your spirit guide, so I gave it a shot. I told them that I am stubborn and blind, and I need to be slapped in the face when it comes to messages. I asked them to prove they exist and can hear me and do it in a way that I could not deny. I ended the ritual, and promptly forgot completely about it. 24 hours later, Mark and I were sitting in the parking lot of a Chinese restaurant. He cracked open a fortune cookie and said that he didn’t understand what the fortune meant. I took it from him and read it, and screamed. The fortune cookie said “your spirit guides are listening.” You have to be kidding me, Universe!

Ever since then I have spoken to my spirit guide as I would usually have spoken to the “One True God Almighty.” I have transformed my prayer into manifestations, and I have no fixed deity, but I do believe in an afterlife. I believe in many afterlifes (afterlives?) actually, which is another thing I mentioned to my mother-in-law this morning. I think that after we die, there are options. Perhaps we can go and rest in heaven, perhaps we can roam the Earth as ghosts, perhaps we can be reincarnated as new people or animals or trees. I think we get to choose. I would, logically, buy into the theory that we are just sacks of meat, but if I am certain of one thing it is that I have a soul, and that has nothing to do with the body it is piloting. The soul has to go somewhere.

I always believednin the supernatural and such, ever since I was young. I was stifled by my church, however, and was not able to embrace such things until well into adulthood. After I want to Salem, I went full force on the deconstruction of Catholicism, and Christianity in general. I’m not saying you cannot praise Jesus all you want- he is still one of my favorite dudes. I just think there is a bigger picture that we are not looking at, and I am trying to find the pieces so we can see the full puzzle.

I will hopefully go to Lilydale this summer, and we are also hopeful to make another pilgrimage to Salem in the fall. Sahar is already looking at airbnbs. Either way, I will continue to sharpen my psychic skills. I will continue to follow my intuition. I will continue to change my life so that I can become a better me.

On a side note, it occurs to me that these are all things I would have been so happy to tell my mother about, but of course, I never will. However, it was very comforting to text with my mother-in-law this morning about what goes on after we go away. I like to think Maureen had a hand in that. Happy Friday.

Salem 2022, Witchpix. The absolute BEST illustration of my RBF in existence.

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