No Man’s Land

Lately I’m writing a lot more soapboxin’ posts that I intend, but that’s just the state of affairs in our world right now that is causing such things. Today I am up on my box because I have seen many references over the past week or so to what is being called :modern feminism,” and I’m going to need to take a moment to debunk the crap out of that

I assume that the people complaining about “modern feminism” are incel garbage humans, because as far as i can find, it is all a lie perpetuated by incel garbage humans. Apparently, they believe the “modern feminist” wants more rights than men, not equal rights. Never mind that when you look up the definition of feminism it literally says equality of the sexes, but I digress. Facts do not matter here.

So I took a quick look at the women that I have known throughout my life, and the ones I know currently, and again I am unable to find any of this “modern feminism.” We all want the same things – complete and total bodily autonomy, equal pay, and lower attack rates. I don’t think any of that has to do with taking anything away from men, and neither do any of the women that I know. Except, perhaps, we are taking away their ability to control us. Of course, they should not have that ability in the first place. Therefore, nothing is being stolen from a man to give me anything.

I know many men who think that feminism is a dirty word. I still maintain that they are scared of a prefix, but that is beside the point. What is upsetting is that they seem to believe the narrative put out by these garbage incels because they are conditioned to trust a man more than they are to trust a woman. That is plainly seen in how many cases of assault go unreported or uninvestigated, because men tend not to believe women about their life experience. I cannot explain this phenomenon, but I have seen it in action and it has been perpetrated unto me and every woman I have ever known. I don’t even think guys know they are doing it at this point. Yet another example of how the patriarchy hurts men, because they are led to believe lies instead of just asking the woman in their lives whether something is true or not.

I don’t know where the concept of “modern feminism” came from, and honestly I did not wish to dig too deep. I could tell simply from the idea that whoever came up with it has no respect for women or their place in society, and is of course a big fat scaredy cat who is afraid his rights will be taken away. And who knows! Maybe they will be! They took away mine!

Oh, did you forget?? I’m not out here trying to make a law about who can and cannot get a vasectomy or viagra, so how about you move the f*** out of my uterus?

You see, I get up on the soapbox and the air gets really thin.

This is just my message from womankind to mankind to let you know that “modern feminism” as described and alluded to on the internet is not an actual thing. I don’t believe we should have a matriarchy any more than I believe we should have a patriarchy. I don’t believe one side gets to rule anything alone, which is kind of the point of feminism in general. That is the feminism that every woman I know subscribes to, so why do men not believe us when we say as much? I can almost guarantee that if I shared this topic was certain man I know, they would deny that I am telling the truth. They would not acknowledge my life experience, or the life experience of the women I have known, because they would rather believe a man on the internet they have never met. That ain’t on me, guys. That sounds like a “you” problem. Maybe ask yourselves why you would rather believe random men over women you love. I’m going to guess that no one is going to like the answer. I’m going to guess that the answer is the reason we need feminism, and they know that.

To reiterate, I do not despise very many people, but the ones I do include folks who believe they are more deserving than others simply because they are graced with different sex organs. Now I know that I am the sort of woman who would go toe to toe with any man on this subject, even if it got me killed. In fact, it’s probably what’s going to get me killed. Alas, I cannot stand by and watch men step on women as they have for generations, creating false narratives and lies to hold us in the place that their ancestors had carved out for us. I am no man’s property- not Mark, not my father’s. I stand for myself and need not a man to stand by my side. Do I choose men to be in my life? Absolutely. Do I believe the men I have chosen to be perfect? Absolutely not. Do I believe myself to be perfect? Of course not. Still, I believe in the good of humanity no matter how many times the opposite is shoved up in my face.

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