The Exception to the Opinion

I used to hear a lot of debate about whether or not people change. Some people say that you never change, but I have only found that those are the people that don’t. They only believe that because they themselves froze at about 20 years old and never learned anything new. The people that do change, they have experiences and situations that turn them into new people, for better or worse. Recently, I have noticed some changes in folks. This has caused a great deal of strife, because these changes have not been for the better.

Once upon a time, I had a friend. This person was funny and kind and loving, and never made me fail to see the good in humanity. As friendships of youth often do, we took two different paths, but we always stayed in touch a little. About a year or two ago, this friend started posting the occasional Facebook article that I did not quite agree with, but since it was simply matters of opinion, I let it slide. You see, when it comes to things like politics or religion, I do not cut people out of my life even if they are on the complete opposite side of myself. I like to give folks the benefit of the doubt, and assume that they have done their research and decided that whoever they are siding with is the right choice for them. Now, don’t get me wrong, if you’re research is faulty, I will definitely point that out. However, I try to maintain healthy relationships free of political/religious boundaries.

A good example would be Kevin, with whom I share many values, but we do differ on one or two. Instead of arguing about such things, Kevin and I agree to disagree and do not discuss the topic unless it is pressing to our lives. Even then, we conduct ourselves with decorum, understanding that the other has reached their opinion through their own life experience. I wish everyone was like this, but I digress.

Anyway, the other day I was scrolling through my friend’s social feeds and noticed a pattern that I did not care for. I am pretty good at hearing certain dog whistles, and their page got very loud, very quickly. This reminded me about the one thing I do not debate: human rights.

You can have an opinion about anything, from how you like your coffee to how you like your presidents…except for one thing. Either you are a normal person who is 100% for equal human rights for all, or you are a garbage person who believes that you deserve more than someone else. There is no debate there. There is nothing you could ever say to me that would make me believe that any group of people deserves more or less than I do. If you think people deserve more or less rights based on their skin color, ethnicty, religion, sexuality, or gender, you can just get right the f*** out of my face, disrespect fully intended.

There is nothing more important to me than equal human rights. Literally nothing. So when people ask me why I wouldn’t vote for the Cheeto, your answer is right there. I always tell people that Trump lost me at “Grab ’em by the p****.” This is 100% true, because I absolutely do not want any human who thinks he can do such a thing to me or any other human as the role model for our country. Nor do I want a man whom if I said “you’re not allowed to grab me,” would then call me a “dog” or other derogatory word simply because I will not give him what he wants. Trump is like every bad boyfriend I have ever known, so please, stop asking me why I don’t want him in office. I can list reasons for days, but what it comes down to is that a man who does not respect human rights does not deserve to run a country. Frankly, in my opinion, a person who does not respect human rights doesn’t deserve a goddamn THING.

Which brings me back to my friend. I love them, but the person I love is the person that they used to be. The strong, formidable, and beautiful human I knew was broken down by endless traumas. They’ve changed into someone I no longer recognize. This makes me very sad, but I will continue to love them from afar. I will continue to hope for them, and should they return to the senses I know they once had, I will be there for them. Alas, I cannot watch people I love turn to hatred. I cannot abide anyone who thinks they are more deserving than anyone else, no matter how much I love you. Human rights are not a debate. End of story.

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