International Women’s Day 2024

Today is International Women’s Day, and I wanted to write an inspiring post about being a woman and then I realized nothing is inspiring me about my womanhood lately.
Ever since they overturned Roe v Wade, I have been angry. Nope, let’s take it back farther-  I have been angry since RBG died, because I knew what was coming then, and I was 100% right! Despite the fact I had several men at the time tell me not to worry, despite the fact they all told me it would never happen, and then it did. And as I screamed “I told you so!” as loudly as possible, every man I know turned away and plugged their ears.

That’s what happens, you see. It’s not even entirely their fault, it’s the patriarchy and just another one of the ways that it hurts men, too. Today is International Women’s Day, and I already went online and saw somebody asking when International Men’s Day is. For the record, it is on November 19th. It is a day to celebrate men’s health and mental wellness, and the fact that you don’t know that but you are already up in arms about women having a day tells me that it really isn’t about being a man for you either, it’s about the control. Just like overturning Roe v Wade was not about saving the lives of babies, it was about the control of women.

I don’t feel like getting up on a soapbox today, so I will just leave this short and sweet and tell you that women are going through way more than you think we are. Yes, I understand men have it rough as well, especially considering that you have been programmed by the patriarchy to deny most of your feelings. I mean, if I wasn’t allowed to cry for fear of being called a p****, I probably would need extensive therapy as well. Alas, today I am in no mood for a guy in my DMs trying to mansplain the womanhood experience to me- sir, you have no idea!

Recently, I found myself having to explain that my personhood rises above all things. For instance, I may have a legal document saying that I am married to a man, but I do not in any way BELONG to that man. I am no one’s property but my own, and if the man I married had a problem with that, we would not have ended up married. It simply would not have happened, because I would not have allowed it to happen. Speaking of allowance, another thing I find myself having to explain a lot is the fact that I do not desire motherhood. People have told me my whole life that someday I will want children, despite the fact that I have repeatedly told them that I never want children. People say “oh well, it’ll happen when it happens.”  No…no it won’t. I live in New York state, where I have access to birth control and plan B and abortions, so no it will not be happening, for I shall not allow it. I do not begrudge the woman who chooses to be a mother, it’s just not part of my game plan and never has been. Yet, because I am a woman and I am expected to want such things, I am told that it will happen for me, even though it is an absolute nightmare scenario. You might as well tell me I’m going to get shot in the face.

I don’t know why I’m so feisty this morning. I was really hoping to be inspirational and explain how women have come so far in such a small time period. The thing is, as a woman in the year 2024, I am annoyed. I mean, just look at Alabama and their IVF- who is that out to help? Who are you trying to save? Certainly not the women that are trying to have babies. I just don’t have ut in me to be inspirational today. I guess I am just a little angry instead.

So, happy International Women’s Day. Please do something nice for the woman in your life today, because I assure you- they are all just a little bit angry. Happy Friday.

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