Doomsday Preppers

My Tiktok algorithm has a tendency to take me down various rabbit holes. When I watch a video, I rarely take the information at face value, and almost always check sources. I was feeling a little unprepared, however, when many videos came across my feed discussing preparations for catastrophic events. I understand how such things came to be on my algorithm, as I have been following the conflict in Palestine, as well as many alien sightings around the world, not to mention all of the climate change content that finds me. So I was not totally surprised when I received more than one video telling me I need to make a go-bag.

Really, this is just practical advice for everybody, no matter what happens. I remember being a child and learning about fire safety. We were told to leave our belongings behind, crawl upon the floor if there is heavy smoke, as well as the famous Stop Drop and Roll. Another thing we were taught was to have a plan with our family in case a fire broke out in the house. We were told to do tiny fire drills like we did in school at our own homes. They taught us to be prepared for a fire.

Now, a house fire is a common occurrence compared to a global catastrophe. However, we do live in a world where such things have become possible. It is quite always “unprecedented times.” So, it makes sense to me to have a plan in place provided there is a catastrophe. Now, I of course have no money, and as I have written before, no desire to live through the Apocalypse. Ergo, I will not be retreating to any bunker that I have built underground in my backyard. The most logical thing for me to do in an event would be to run, because I know that houses do not provide the safety you wish they would when everyone is panicking. This has led me to the decision to create a go-bag. I will include this link, that takes you to a page describing what kind of bag you would need and what you should put in it.

The most important item is a radio. Originally, I was going to purchase a battery operated one, but after doing some research I have decided upon a battery/hand crank device. They aren’t even that expensive- this one that I am looking at on Amazon is only about 30 bucks. I also have a few cell phone charging batteries, and can get a lot of other supplies at the dollar store. This is the most economical and easiest way I can prepare.

I posted a poll on Threads. Nobody has a bunker. A few people have a go-bag, but most people don’t know what the heck they’re going to do. Many people are aware they need to do something, but are not sure of how to go forward. Here’s the poll:

I remember one day I came in to find Mark watching an Extreme Prepper episode. I wasted no time at all making fun of the people on the TV for their predictions of the end times and their desire for safety when that time came to pass, which they believed would surely be in their lifetimes. Back then, I found the whole thing hilarious and ripe for comedy. Now, I wonder if maybe they had the right idea.

I don’t mean to sound all doom and gloom. I don’t mean to scare anybody; I don’t mean to make you think that I have become obsessed with the end of the world. I have not. What I have done is take a look around and realize that what is happening to people all over the world could absolutely happen to me as well. There is nothing that makes us, comfortable Americans, any different from anyone else. We are not less susceptible to violence and chaos, we just haven’t reached that level yet. Sadly, was the rate we are going we will get there sooner rather than later. Me, I like to prepare.

So I ask you, dear reader, have you prepared at all? If a major disaster wiped out our power grid, what would you do? It is entirely possible, just as it is entirely possible that we lose our internet, that we could lose electricity completely. Hence, the hand crank radio.

I have written before that I have no desire to do the apocalypse. I have no desire to fight in a war, I have no desire to live through fighting on my own country’s turf. Yet, I also know how the desire to live in a human works, so I’m sure I will be sticking around for a little bit. For that little bit, I wish to be prepared. Yes, should real tragedy strike I will not live through it. Honestly, if I couldn’t get my meds, I’d be out of the game entirely. However, the will to live is strong and I would hang on until the last possible second. So yes, I will be making my go-bag. I will keep that and my croquet mallet by the door. (Fun fact, when M was a kid, he was always trying to figure out what to do with me during a zombie apocalypse. He suggested the croquet mallet, because he is a smart cookie.)

I feel like a lot of my blogs lately are either me on a soapbox screaming about injustice or me telling you about things that are happening around the world that are scary.  Just so everyone is aware, I am not in the middle of some sort of psychological slip. Typically, this would constitute manic behavior, but according to my therapist I’m doing just fine with what I am encountering. Doing the best with what you’ve got is all we can accomplish in life.

And so, I wish you a happy Tuesday. Go buy a radio.

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