WAR. What is it good for?

I should not be blogging right now. It is not blog day. Alas, I hopped on the Tiktok this morning and was sorely disappointed to discover that everyone on the planet is a goddamn idiot. So hang on a second, let me get up on this soapbox…

Listen, it is bad enough that World War III has started. No, you have not heard that on the news yet, because they are too afraid to tell us. However, there are major conflicts happening all over the world right now, and one of the main ones is being funded by our government- whom I believe are actually on the wrong side this time. Now, you are entitled to your belief that we should be involved in overseas wars, but I am not one of those folks. Bear that in mind as I go on.

After all of the Palestinian/Israeli news I caught up on this morning, I came across an article about Texas. Because obviously a World War is not nearly as important to their governor as the Civil War that he would like to start.

What happened is that Biden, of whom I am no fan, decided to open a park as a border entry in Texas on the country line. The governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, who is of course a Republican, said no. He then sent the Texas Guard to install barbed wire along the border in the park. When Biden said he can’t do that, because he literally CAN’T, Abbott said “too bad.” So, Biden gave him until Friday to get his troops out of the park, or else he will be sending in the National Guard. That’s a problem unto its own, but the bigger problem is that the other red governors are threatening to back Abbott with their own state guards.

For the Love of God, get over yourselves. Look at the bigger picture! Do you really care how many immigrants are let into the country when we could be nuked at any second? Get your priorities straight!

And all this talk of drafts! Listen, I don’t know about you, but I’m not going. First of all, I have way too many health issues to even be considered for such things, and I am definitely out of the age range that you want. But even if I was a healthy 18 year old, you would be locking my ass in jail before I would ever get on a boat or a plane and fight for whatever is left of this backwards-ass country.

This morning, I had a discussion with a friend regarding a firearms. I have been staunchly anti-gun my whole life, for myself at least. I don’t believe I should own a gun, and I don’t really believe people in my position should either. However, I know how bad it is out there now because I am sitting here considering taking a gun safety course. Both of us, who have never considered getting guns in our lives, are now wondering exactly how much protection we need. That my friends, is the tipping point for me.

I do not believe in Zionism. To me, it looks like an orthodox cult that is living under misconceptions of reality. I mean, if I moved into my next door neighbor’s house and told them that it was mine now because God said so, they would call the cops and have me sent away. You just cannot behave as such. That is the basic principle of what is happening in Gaza. These Zionists would like to move into their home, but there are no cops to call, because they are Zionists, too.

And Texas! No, not my favorite state, in fact it is number two behind Florida of worst places in the country according to Brigid. How dare you, Greg Abbott, bring divisiveness and war to a people who did not ask for it! I’m sure there are many people in Texas who do not want an open border, and I understand that. That is your opinion. I do want an open border, and I need you to understand that is my opinion. I’m sure there are folks in Texas who feel the same way- but so many politicians have become so comfortable ignoring their constituents, that they feel they have absolute power in all situations, community be damned!

I hate over-reach. I hate when folks in positions of power use that power to undermine our government, as well as their people. This morning, I sent an email to my local politicians telling them that I will not be voting for them should they continue to vote for and put forth legislation providing money to Israel. I would like to remind folks again that my dislike of this supposed state does not extend to the religion of the people that live within it. I have no problems whatsoever with the Jewish faith, in fact I treat it with reverance due to my Christian upbringing. However, the fact that I was born Catholic did not earn me a house in the Vatican, you know what I mean? You don’t just get something because you say it’s yours, you have to prove it. And I’m sorry, the Torah is barely proof of anything, just like the Bible. The problem is not the faith of the folks committing the atrocities, it is the fact that they feel they are more deserving than others. And for that, I will never stand.

Every human being on the planet regardless of anything deserves the same human rights. Here in America those words are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I hope that other countries can try to find their life, liberty, and happiness. I know we are still trying, obviously.. I’m looking at you Texan. Alas, I do believe that I deserve those three things. I believe all people deserve those three things.

I am all for the spread of democracy, but countries need to take it into their own hands instead of relying on support and money from the US. If you want to look at us as a guidebook, that’s fine, but you definitely need to tweak some things because most of the time we aren’t 100% sure what we’re doing anymore. Our politicians do not reflect our community, and so on the world stage we are becoming a bully and a laughing stock. I deeply want you to know that is not the average American. The average American just does not want war, be it overseas or in our own backyard. The average American just wants their life, their liberty, and to pursue their happiness. We should all be so lucky.

PS- If you, too, would like to send a message to your politicians, I urge you to click on this sentence, which will lead you to a website where you can do just that.

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