Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

I meant to get this to you before the 1st, but unfortunately I ended up in the hospital for a few days. Maybe if I could have got the mail out on time, you would have received my request and I’d have not gone to the hospital during the month of December. I will overlook this this mistake, provided you can fulfill some of the other requests that I have for this holiday season.

First and foremost, I’d like it to not snow. I mean sure, a little Christmas snow is lovely, and everybody likes a flurry now and again, perhaps even a nice coating that we barely have to shovel. But if you think we can take what you gave us last Christmas, I assure you, sir, we cannot. Our city likes to think it can handle the snow, but it’s been a damn dirty lie every other year, so why should this one be any different? I’d really like to not see any death or tragedy at the hands of God this Christmas season. Honestly, it doesn’t seem like a big ask, given the circumstances.

Furthermore, I’m going to need you to look out for my friends extra hard this year- see, they did overtime with me these past 12 months, and they deserve a little treat of some sort. I am a handful most days, but I have been super chaotic for this past year and they have been absolute delights while  putting up with my crazy. Plus, they have the audacity to have their own lives, and I know they must need a little break once in awhile, so please help them to achieve that moment of peace.

And then there’s my family, who is going to need some extra Santa lovin’ this year. Some of them still go in for the God of it all, so if you could put a word into the Big Guy Upstairs for that particular lot, that would be great appreciated. Oh and while you are up there, please feel free to tell Maureen and Kathleen that their timing was HILARIOUS. Don’t worry, they will know I am using humor as a coping mechanism.

Finally, I really just need the one thing, and that is to make it to January in one piece. Please help me find as much good cheer as I can to distract myself. Please help me to find the peace and the joy and all the good things that I want for all the other people, because I know I deserve those things too, even though I don’t tell myself enough.

Also, I would really like the Rae Dunn utensils holder that I saved on my Amazon Wish list.

Merry Christmas,
Brigid H.

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