Whoops, I Read the Comments

Last night I was scrolling through Facebook and I did the thing I always tell myself not to do: I read the comments.

The article was simply stating that there would be no mail delivery today due to Juneteenth. Obviously, it was simply meant to be a reminder since today is a federal holiday. My mistake was to notice all the little angry and laughing faces and then click my way into the comment section.

It worries me, because one of two things can be found in such places. One, you have trolls who are in it just for kicks. Usually, I can spot those and ignore them. It is the second group of people, the ones bemoaning not getting their mail today because of a “made-up holiday.”

Y’all are just RACIST.

To start, every single holiday is a made-up holiday. Sure, some may argue that our holidays commemorate important events. I don’t know about you, but the ending of the final vestige of slavery seems like a pretty important event. Yes, our country declared freedom from the British and signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776. Which is why we celebrate the 4th of July. Except, not everyone was free on July 4th, 1776. It took a much longer time for black folks to gain their own independence. So when you sit here and complain that it was made up holiday that we shouldn’t be celebrating, what you’re really saying is you care more about your mail delivery then celebrating the end of slavery. Ain’t nobody complaining when they won’t get their mail on the 4th of july, is all I’m saying.

I never learned about Juneteenth in high school. There is a really good chance that these commenters weren’t taught this as well. However, as I am an adult with reading comprehension skills and access to the internet, I personally find no excuse for this ignorance. A quick Google of the word “Juneteenth” will give you all the information that you need, and if you still disagree with it being a holiday- well, y’all don’t like black people. There is no argument.

I think a select group of folks get up in arms when they can’t fully celebrate something because it is for a certain group of people. Like, for instance, individuals I have seen all month regarding Pride. It’s not for you- so you deny it? Thats silly. You know what isn’t for me? Christmas and Easter. But do I complain when I don’t get my mail that day? Do I bitch and moan that the days are made up holidays? No, I do not. I let folks celebrate their holidays even if they do not apply to me, and will even happily join in on the festivities if invited.

Why are folks today so centered on themselves that they cannot acknowledge and that other people may have a reason to celebrate? And furthermore.. why would you not want to celebrate this? Yeah, I am as white as a jar of mayonnaise, but I am thrilled that slavery ended. I am very happy that there is a Federal holiday now to commemorate the freedoms of all people, not just the white folk like we do on the 4th.

I don’t think I’m ever going to understand why people get so angry at those who are different than them. I chalk it up to a combination of ignorance and jealousy, but it still makes no sense. I mean, for the life of me I don’t know why folks would be mad about either getting a day off or holiday pay. Unless, of course, your employer is a big fat racist and refusing to acknowledge the holiday. Which is the thing you should actually be mad at, not the fact you won’t be getting your mail today.

Anyway, the moral of the story is to stay the hell out of the comment section. You will almost certainly be disappointed, as keyboard warriors type things from the safety of the home that they would never try to say to your face. I firmly believe the internet has made us too comfortable with saying things that used to get us punched in the mouth. Although, perhaps the comments are useful for something – perhaps we should show them to all those people claiming we no longer have a bigotry problem in the United States. Oh, you simple, simple fools. ANY comment section will prove you wrong on that.

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